Who We Are
We seek to live up to our name, which reminds us of what we believe are essential parts of our DNA.
We believe Christ offers freedom from both the SIN that causes us to separate from God and the LEGALISM that would turn a life-giving relationship with our Creator into dry religious box to check. At FFC we celebrate our freedom from the traditions of man while still living righteously in the power that the Holy Spirit provides!
"...where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is FREEDOM."
(2 Corinthians 3:17)
Scripture provides a powerful picture of what it looks like for a group of people to be devoted to following Jesus together. We believe church is not a task to fulfill, but is instead, an expression of a Christian’s eternal family to which we are called to give ourselves to. Just like our biological families, it’s often messy and uncomfortable, but the resulting joy and growth are worth it! We strive with one another, opening up our lives and lending encouragement, accountability, and forgiveness.
"...whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.” (Matthew 12:50)
The Bible teaches us that the church is not just a building or a tradition, but a living, breathing body of believers working together to grow, serve, and love one another. It's also the important and potentially powerful tool that God has chosen to build His Kingdom and bring about His glory . The church is "the bride of Christ" and Jesus uses His authority for her benefit.
Unfortunately, many have downgraded the church's importance or discarded it totally in favor of a "personal, spiritual relationship with God." While we certainly agree that attending or joining a church doesn't save you, we realize that belonging to a church is vital for a Christian's health and growth.
Therefore, we commit ourselves to regular gatherings together where God's presence is felt, we can sing praises and learn from His word, and we can "stir up one another to love and good works".
While everyone is certainly welcome with us and we have been blessed with all types of people of different backgrounds, we feel particularly called to those that have issues with or have been hurt by the "traditional church" and those that have no church tradition at all. While a great many thrive in traditional churches, we prayerfully present ourselves in a way that eliminates as many extra-biblical obstacles from the path of those who may be pursing God and "trying out" church.
Where We've Come From
FFC began out of a desire to reach “the rest of us”. People that are unchurched, dechurched, or who don’t feel like they fit in a traditional denomination.
That movement started in December 2008 when (our current Pastor) Ben Suggs and his wife Jenna helped their friends, Pastor Randy Hand and his wife Jennifer start Freedom Family Church in Liberty, NC. It was a humble beginning. No big advertisements, expensive investments, or large volunteer teams. They rented the American Legion building in town, threw up a sheet and a projector for a screen, sat in ugly, uncomfortable metal chairs, and with a mic and some of Ben's DJ equipment began the slow and steady work of preaching the Gospel and loving the town of Liberty.

Then after years of youth and family ministry in Randolph County, God called the Suggs and a small group of family and friends to plant Freedom Family Church of Siler City in the fall of 2017. We started with some preview events in the summer, in the middle of in downtown.

We officially had our first Sunday service on September 10, 2017 and for 2 years we met in locations like the gym at Chatham Charter School and in a downtown coffee shop where we set up and broke down our church services each week while we built relationships around town through community events.

Then in late 2019, through God's provision, we purchased what was once a doctor's office at 421 N Holly Ave. and began transforming it into our new home, meant to be a blessing to the surrounding community.

Where We're Headed
God has been indescribably good! These words and pictures don't do justice to the blessings, challenges, and life change that has happened along the way. We are excited and hopeful that God will continue to grow our church, not only in size but also in maturity, fruitfulness, and joy that comes from a closeness to our Creator and Savior. We can only imagine what exactly will happen next, but no matter what we plan to stay faithful to doing things like:
• Preaching and practicing God's Word
• Worshipping in Spirit & Truth
• Loving God and our neighbors with all that we have
• Making and baptizing disciples
• Seeking the welfare of the city we are called to

What This Means For You
What does this mean for you? Well, we believe God wants everyone to be saved, forgiven, redeemed, and renewed in Him and He may be calling you to Him through Freedom Family Church.
You're always welcome at FFC, no matter where you are in your faith journey. We're saving a seat for you by our side and praying that you would come and see what's next!